
Otesánek (2000)

Otesánek (2000)

 The Film tells the surreal story of a married couple trying unsuccessfully to have a child. A wife more than a husband can't come to terms with this situation. One day, a woman's husband finds an anthropomorphic shape of a wood stump resembling a child in which he sees a chance to soothe his wife's pain resulting from unfulfilled motherhood. The wife bestows the find with love and care as if it were a living being, bringing the stump to life. Otik (Polish for Ociosanek), because that's what they called him, starts to demand food like every child. The apparent happiness quickly turns into drama as Otik turns out to be a child with a hard-to-satisfy appetite.

2.44 GiB | 720x576
Czech Republic, UK

Otesánek (2000)
