
Hannes sommer (1977)

Hannes sommer (1977)

The action has been added to an idyllic summer place on Sørlandskysten. Here comes a city family-mother and father, Hanne and Henrik and the German shepherd Raksa. Summer is wonderful, with nice weather, fishing and cabin building and Hanne learns to swim and gut fish. Hanne, however, is the youngest in the family and is not allowed to participate as much as her brother is allowed. Hanne thinks this is unfair and decides to rebel against this this summer. This she demonstrates when her brother and two other friends will spend the night in a cabin they have built on a small island nearby. Hanne is not allowed to stay overnight with the others because her parents think she is too small. This seems to her unfair and therefore she lists herself out night time to experience the same as her brother and his friends.

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Hannes sommer (1977)
