
Simindis kundzuli (2014)

Simindis kundzuli (2014) Corn Island

The Enguri River forms the border between Abkhazia and Georgia in its lower course. An old Abkhazian farmer wants to sow and harvest corn together with his granddaughter on a temporary River Island created in spring. After a few days, the old man, with the help of his granddaughter, has built a house out of wood and the two then begin sowing the corn. From time to time, grandfather and granddaughter hear gunshots from a distance. In addition, Abkhazian and Georgian soldiers are constantly patrolling the island on boats, keeping an eye on the growing granddaughter. One day, the young girl discovers an injured Georgian soldier in the corn field, whom she cares for with her grandfather. The young soldier left after a few days as suddenly as he had come. When the grandfather and his granddaughter want to harvest the corn, a big storm approaches. While the young girl can save herself on a boat together with some corn, the old man and with him the entire island goes down in the floods.

1.97 GiB | 1280x720
Georgia, Germany, France

Simindis kundzuli (2014)
